Showing posts with label Blickling Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blickling Hall. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 May 2016

My beloved Blickling Hall

Blickling Hall is my favourite historical building in Norfolk. I used to come here with my friends or on my own, happy or sad, in winter or summer...I am a National Trust member, so I have free entry to this building and many others in whole country. I always come back here, cause I feel here like home...I also like long walk in the gardens, having picnic with friends or have a coffee here. I like the architecture of the building, Tudor style...
We cannot stop time, we cannot turn back time, but we can come back to places which connect as with the history and survived all odd and cruel times, before we were born to this life...

Blickling Hall jest moim ulubionym historycznym budynkiem w Norfolku. Mialam zwyczaj tu wpadac z moimi przyjaciolmi albo sama, szczesliwa albo smutna, zima albo latem...jestem czlonkiem National Trust, wiec mam wstep wolny to tego budynku i wielu innych w kraju. Zawsze tu powracam, poniewaz czuje sie tu jak w domu...Lubie takze dlugie spacery w tutejszych ogrodach, wypad na piknik z przyjaciolmi albo kawe. Podoba mi sie architektura budynku, styl Tudorow...
Nie mozemy zatrzymac czasu, nie mozemy go cofnac, ale mozemy powrocic do miejsc, ktore lacza nas z historia i przezyly wszystkie dziwne i okrutne czasy, zanim przyszlo nam sie narodzic...

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